Adil Malia

May 12, 20171 min

Don't show the labour pain. Show the baby.

An Inactive People Manager Writes His Obituary...

No longer can the HR Manager claiming to be a Business Partner, now blame his systemic inheritances for the prevailing conditions. The previous leadership for whatever reasons may have written the previous code of behaviour as it stands. You cannot now seek protection in perpetuity continuing the same by claiming to not be the author of such defining content. What are you there for ?? Once appointed to a role, you are in charge. The mandate is for you to +vly refurbish the prevailing conditions &upgrade them to relevance. You will not be blamed for the past but you are accountable for its continuance in the future. Do not force-fit explanations for out-dated practices. Rather acknowledge and commit to change these with a time-plan. If your leadership is not convinced for change,understand their reasons. If they are adamant, you may perhaps have to take a few call. Keep attempting till you succeed . In a Co that once I was associated with, it took us 5 years to convince on a 5 day week.It was slow burn process. Resilience and concensus finally succeed. Leadership is about determination to change not explanations to share for continuation.

Don't show the labour pain. Show the baby.

