Celluloid exposure has influenced our mind-models & mutated our behavioural concepts by replacing it with scientifically inaccurate imagination..'Resilience' being one.
Unless the hero indulges in militaristic tough acts or 'Rocky' undergoes first 14 rounds of thrashing by a menacing adversary in some Boxing Championship to win the final round (when thrashing is reversed),we do not experience the grit & high of 'Resilience'.
The belief nurtured is - longer one toughs it out, the tougher one is & therefore successful.
Surprisingly, pausing for a 'Recovery' period before fighting back is seen as being non-Resilient. Resilience is confused with 'Macho' toughness. Research however indicates that whenever there is deficiency in 'Recovery' period, it leads to stress, health & safety problems.
Parents proudly display their children burning mid-night oil studying for exams, displaying overwork & exhaustion as indicators of 'Resilience'. That is gross distortion.
Display of resilience is best seen in a serious fight-back after a reasonable PAUSE, well- planned, thought out, fully prepared, thoroughly rested & recovered.
Corporate turn-around initiatives are no different. 'Pause-think-plan & Return to the ring for a turn around. That is what champions do.