Often I get asked as to why new leaders mandated to lead change , upon their appointment, generally insist on changing the critical line of existing leadership in the organisation ?
Sad that they do so. Don't change or replace leadership unless you see massive resistance to the new way, I say.
However, the situation is understandable. Culture of an enterprise is very rigid. That is what unwise and unguided Cultures end up becoming, eventually. It rejects outrightly, anything that is alien, new, different or disparate despite being advantegious to the system. Existing leaders holding influential roles mistakenly believe themselves to be Knights protecting the old citadels of decrepit beliefs that they ruled.
Unfortunately, these Knights see the new leader as an adversary to all that they believed in so far and were comfortable with. Thus they conspire to reject the Change leader. They vote for happiness & comfort.They battle the winds of change with all their vigor, venom and weapons instead of mustering in their resources, knowledge and strength along with the new leader .
The forecautioned Change Master therefore prefers to offer such Knights a graceful way out from the system than indulge in Boardroom drama & blood-shed to wind their change agenda. Such wise leaders understand the importance of collaboration and unity in navigating change, thus ensuring a smoother transition and no Corporate blood-shed