Learning from 'Defeat' is more critical than learning from 'Winning' .... think about it. Learning from winning comes naturally & comes without resistance. But loss has a natural tendency to block the learning mind-set. Sometimes, defeat is an out come also of fears. Learning from defeat is therefore learning to overcome fears. I have lost many a times & learnt personally so much from my defeats that I celebrate the fact that I lost the things that I did - at the times I did. Whilst people see me (I hope) as a net winner but my real teacher has forever been my defeats & my resolve to learn from them. Let me share a secret. People have often appreciated my public speaking skills. I am thankful. But most people may not recall that in1990, the first time I professionally spoke from a public platform at Taj Mumbai, I collapsed, blacked out & made a spectacle of myself. My immediate decision was never ever to try & speak from Public platforms. That was reaction. But my response was different. I soon analysed, resolved & learnt from my teacher - my own failure and in a way my defeat. Today thankfully, I am a rather confident public speaker. My teacher worked miracles and taught me the secret - 'Learn from your Defeat' !!! Read on the doodle...
Thank you for sharing the key lesson.
We must not fear Failure because to "FAIL" is "First Attempt in Learning". Also, we can grow as an individual only when we look at every failure from a very positive mindset !!!
Indeed so rightly said....Failures are stepping stones to Success. March on... There is no limit to Success.
Dear Adil thanks for sharing these small small stories they make a very big and positive impact