Happiness begins with achievement of physical needs that stimulate positive bliss but ultimately ends up only upon fulfillment of deeper spiritual longings.
Aristotle spoke of Happiness at 4 levels - Laetus, Felix, Beatitudo & Sublime Beatitudo
Laetus , the level at which achieving material objects gave happiness...buying a swank car, buying a tony house, buying high-end Louis Vuitton/ Armani accessories. Felix - where in competitive arena, emerging superior in comparison with peers brought happiness - better looker, faster runner, higher marks matter. Having achieved those successes, helping others by doing meaningful things for them, releases happiness. Fulfilling Social responsibilities drives happiness - (Rotary Club, Lions' Club members experience these higher order happiness). That was Beatitudo. Sublime Beatitudo is when fulfilling deeper spiritual needs along with a balance of happiness derived from a man's pursuit of the other 3 shallower levels of happiness became critical and thus brought real happiness to the doer.
Surprising. Aristotle and the Stoics propounded these 'Happiness' percepts in 384 - 322 BC. Thousands of years ago. People still in digital times are enchanted and exploring what happiness means. Are we missing something .... ???
U should be a calm happy person.. To make the world happy.. Contentment is to be trained up from the birth itself..