The FOE Leader...follow me or else Have you ever asked - what is so great about you that other people should want to follow you ??? If your answer is - because you are saddled in a more powerful post (a bigger, higher, more Power-packed chair) and thus the others have no choice...then the time remaining for you to be in the seat of leadership is actually less than the life of a butterfly !! This response will lead to your immediate obliteration as a leader in the minds of your followers. Even if you continue thereafter to be in the seat of power, you will never be considered by followers to be their leader. The currency of your leadership lies hidden in the question - do your followers in their minds believe you to be their leader ? If they do, they will follow you. If not , each moment in your role, you will have to struggle to power position yourself as their leader. A leader does not have to be popular. Does not have to indulge in cheap tactics. But he certainly needs to be adored to be an Inspirational leader for the team. Lead thru people's hearts to influence their minds.
Adil Malia
Perfectly said Adil Malia. The Power (including Confidence in the Person's Capabilities) is in the Mental Bonding rather than Chair Power.....