In a world of disruptive innovations, uncertainties, chaos and ambiguities, 'Influencing' capability of the leader is the one that helps him bring the transformation required for its success. However, what really happens before leaders attempt to persuade and influence the changes has profound impact on whether the attempt to influence changes will actually succeed or fail. Such moments that makes an influential difference are called 'Pre-Suasion'.
'Pre-Suasion' are those critical moments where right things need to get done before 'Persuasion' to influence change succeeds.
Like every good painter would tell us that unless the wall that has to be painted is curated well and a proper foundation is created, the finish and longitivity of the painting job will get adversely impacted. Pre-Suasion moments are similar 'moments of truth' before one begins to influence.
As one sees around, most Corporate are today busy and involved in leading some or the other change and transformation agenda. Leadership is called upon in most cases to influence, pursaude and convince others to make such changes. A deeper knowledge of how 'Pre-Suasion' helps becomes a pre-cursor to successful management of change.
Rightly says Sun Tzu that battles are won before they are actually fought. In a way this highlights the undiscussed role of the pre-suasion factors in a winning equation.
Robert Cladini the author of 'Pre-Suasion' suggests that any serious attempt to influence has to (without fail) use these two critical Pre-Suasion factors...
(a) influence trust of the potential clients in your ability to solve their problems and thus their desire to buy or engage your services
(b) using 'heat' (identifying the real burning problem of the client and giving him a sense of confidence that you have studied his problem at length and thus know the way-forward ).
Cialdini suggests many other similar basic 'Pre-Suasion' tactics that can be used to succeed in their subsequent journey to influence change.
The quintessential message is straight forward. What things you should do and what messages need to get conveyed to support your interests requires being tuned-in to your situation and context. No cookie-cutter...suit your tactic to the moment, the person and your persuasive goal.
Hidden in the seeds of Pre-Suasion are the fruits of successful persuasion.