Few stray thoughts & a few general observations on 2018.
Like 'The FiRM' report card delivered 11 Key Notes offered Strategic Business Advisories for several Cos, 8 Structured Leadership Development Sessions, 5 Transformation Interventions, 4 < 40 CEOs of large Cos successfully,Coached
A lesson learnt :the authentic work you do builds your brand. All our breakthroughs until now were on our personal brands built over time. No BD.
Like the way on a personal front, seriously pursued Yoga (although did not lose weight), regularly practised Mohan Veena.
Read Ramayana (4 Volumes), Mahabharata (3 volumes) & Arth-Sastra. Wrote reviews for a few books. Like this year, Rama was the Central Hero replacing Chanakya.
Bored people with doodles (micro learning moments) most morning, was regular on LI, tweeted occasionally, joined FB. Tried Instagram efforts failed.
Like the way the wife will not agree, but spent a lot more family time, did not work weekends, took 5 family breaks. But target set by the wife much higher.
Helped 3 friendly start-ups with advisory services, pro bono..they sent Diwali goodies !!
The New Year Sets in again. Like I am a guy who takes Resolutions seriously. New planner is ready, Mont Blanc cleaned & am all set for tomorrow with a smile