You will be valued in the Enterprise only if you maximize your +WIEs and FLOURISH. In the value creating journey of the enterprise, people who reflect +WIEs like resilience, high self-esteem, vitality, self- determination & great relationships, contribute higher & are thus valued more. Higher your +WIEs, greater your 'Flourish' (a concept that I borrow from Selieghman) Your +WIEs are actually extentions of the happy emotions when you are engaged & Connected at your work place. As a general principle, human beings approach +ve emotions that give pleasure & flight -ve emotions that give pain. Higher +ve vectors of emotions, higher your +WIEs ! Emotions that arise when one is deeply engrossed & engaged in a 'Deep Flow' whilst executing his assignments contribute to +WIEs. To maximize potential of +WIEs, ' Deep Engagement' has to combine with 'Genuine Connections'...that is when an individual's work connects with the larger strategy & purpose of the Enterprise. If one were to Mathematise the equation, it would be ... Engagement + Connections ➡️ Authentic Happiness. Authentic Happiness + (+ WIEs) ➡️ FLOURISH.Organisations where people operate in full Flourish, maximum their Value !