Often in uncertain times like what we are now experiencing, when markets are just about opening-up after steep collapse, leader's mindlessly recall the 'resilience' lessons they were taught in Business Schools. They double their energy to climb & catch up the old high peaks they had experienced and from where they had collapsed. Marginally they may succeed. But that cannot justify the energy, engagement or investments on the old path. What they fail to recognise is that their Business Models may have just got misaligned in the new environment. Elements in the External Environment may have drastically altered, their Financial Targets may no longer be viable in the new context Cash Flows may be mismatched or their Strategies, Internal Programs & supportive Activities just may, in the new set-up, have become inadequate and mis-matched. No amount of doubling of energies to regain old glories may help. New directions and new alignments become thence become critically necessary as they Zoom from Gloom to Bloom & Boom. Unfortunately, businesses and leadership have not understood the importance of Business Models. Thus results miss them.