(The Bombay Parsi Panchayet Elections - 2022)
We live in a Social Age. After successfully building a Career as a Corporate Leader, I strongly now feel the urge to contribute back socially to the various communities that have contributed to our happiness. I therefore have decided to throw in my hat and stand up for the Bombay Parsi Panchayet Elections.
Corporate Leadership and Social Leadership are different and similar. Whilst 'Corporate Leadership' is commercially focussed on Creating Stakeholder Value and maximizing Shareholder returns for the Company, 'Social Leadership' is about Protecting , Managing and Governing the properties of the Donors & Settlors, according to their wishes and Maximising Welfare for 'Beneficiaries' of the Trusts.
They are but a lot similar too. Leadership is Leadership. Driving Vision, Fulfilling Purpose, Resource Mobilisation, Sound Management, Fair Governance, Delivery of Services, Compliance & Execution. That is where the Corporate Governance & Management experiences with Corporate Leadership, draws gold.
Welcome to the Social World of the socially focussed , welfare oriented humanitarian organisations that need effective Social Leadership.
Elections are on May 29. A rather mature and disciplined process is followed under close supervision of a High Court appointed Election Commissioner and Assistant Commissioners where approximately 33,000 registered voters will cast their Adult Franchise.
Campaigning is currently on...17 candidates - 7 seats and that is uniquely a different ball game by itself. Someday, my macro learnings from that I will share.
May the Best win ... the one who can provide the best 'future focussed' Leadership to this microscopic, intellectually sharp, amiable and socially contributing community of India centered in and around Mumbai.
Until then, please do read my first profile interview .. and do pass it on to your Bombay Parsi friends with your personal endorsements, the ones with who you may have at some time, shared ‘Dhan-sak’ and ‘ Pattra-ni- Macchi’.
Building Trust and Rebuilding Credibility is our focus.