Leader as a 'Charioteer'.
The 'charioteer' analogy has many overtones from a corporate leadership perspective. This post is but about the role of a leader as a Charioteer of the Corporate culture.
Organisations have one predominant culture. True but a half-truth. Every organisation has several subcultures prevailing alongside the predominant culture at the same time
All organisations undergo a process of differentiation as they age, succeed & grow. Consequently, smaller sub-units of unique culture get formed around their leaders. The six major domains around which such sub-cultures get formed in an organisation are :
👉 Functional differentiation
👉 Geographical
👉 Product, markets or
technology differentiations
👉 Divisionalization
👉 Hierarchical differentiations
👉 Power of Leader &
proximity to Central
This is very similar to the Charioteer of a powerful Six horse chariot!
Is it wise to allow formation of
sub cultures?
A sharp charioteer recognises that each horse is different and thus knows how far he should allow them space to be different and yet run a common race. He also knows when to pull the reigns & not allow a horse to overturn the chariot.
An effective Leader plays that role in the enterprise culture
Very true. The charioteer has to steer through with full control on each horse