Experience and expertise can sometimes hinder innovation and new perspectives. The insular nature of hyper self-belief can limit opportunities for creative learning and fresh ideas. How can a new mind, unburdened by past experiences, offer a workable solution that an experienced mind overlooked? What makes the new mind's contribution so valuable?
Hiring young talent for their innovative ideas often falls short in the corporate world. Despite attracting talent with promises of value, they are often relegated to mundane tasks unrelated to innovation or creativity. The enthusiasm of new minds is stifled in old roles, leading to missed opportunities for growth and progress.
Let's rethink how we integrate new talent into our organizations. Instead of confining them to the status quo, let's empower them to drive innovation and shape the future. It's time to break the cycle of old practices and embrace the potential of new perspectives.
The new fish will struggle and die in the old pool and then the old fish will ask in glee ... what difference did they make ?