When one is long indoctrinated into a belief , impeled into a ritual and nurtured further into the set pattern, it becomes very difficult for one to break free. Moreso when one is lured tacitly into a trap of conformation through comforts, conveniences & rewards to reinforce continued subscription to that culture.
Thus transformation particularly, when it touches areas of long nurture and reinforced culture becomes very difficult.
Birds born in a cage often look up and think that flying is an illness !!! Even if you unlock the door of the cage, that bird will not fly away.
There is a choice for brain whether it takes decisions taking in view soul progress or otherwise... As the brain sows the soul reaps.. Thanks ji Our respected Sir Adilji.. Stay blessed always
Yes practically right.. Formats.. Prayers and protocols of our religion help this flying and transformation which is itself given in our scripture as freedom.. Pertaining to the soul...