Whilst the need to differentiate performance of people in an organisation is very acute and the clinically critical need for the same is acknowledged as well by leaders, however, one still unfortunately experiences great resistance and at times absolute reluctance from leaders to do an objective differentiations in the performance of his team members.
This resistance to differentiate performances, comes from some of the following 10 reasons:
a. Honesty & Integrity Of the
leaders in sharing
performance related
b. Discomfort in
communicating bad news
c. Desire to be not perceived
as being too harsh
d. Disturbing otherwise
friendly working
relationships in departments
f. Absence of performance
based record keeping
g. Playing protective God-father
h. Long years of relationships
i. Non-performers could be
favourites and friends thus
j. Consequential reduction of
rewards and grant of
punishment as a result of
adverse observations.
What is old world wisdom on this subject ... ?
'PANCHTANTRA' was written in 1199 AD. They are a compilation of wise ancient stories of life, segregated into 5 books. Panchtantra is a 'niti- shastra' or a text book of 'niti' being - the wise conduct of life.
Several stories reflect wisdom assimilated from the wise masters being in a way lessons for the Price. In the context of the theme (Differentiating Performance) Panch-tantra says :
"Where just distinction is not drawn,
Between the left & the right
The self-respecting, if they can,
Will quickly take to flight.
If masters no distinction make
Amongst their servants, then
They lose the zealous offices
Of energetic men.
And in a market where it seems
That no distinction hold
Between red-eye and ruby, how
Can precious gems be sold?
There must be bonds of union
In all their dealings, since
No Prince can lack his servants
Nor servants lack a Prince .. "
Surely, these were great lessons for the Prince. But I am sure they continue to be great lessons for modern times Contemporary Corporate leaders.