Unless you have a team that is Connected, Engaged, Motivated & Committed their presence would only be a Cost Contributor and not a Value Contributor to the Enterprise.
Resignation in the new paradigm has to be understood differently..no longer just the act of handing over the final letter addressed by the employee to the top employer terminating formally his relationship. Remember : An employee resigns many times emotionally, socially, physically and economically in his mind before he / she decides to put the pen to paper and write the final - 'I Resign' letter.
In the given context, resignation therefore is a culmination of the unheard and unseen pain, plight and prayers of the employee that precedes to trigger the final act of Resigning.
Monster management wakes only after it receives the final letter and then it puts I frantic plans to last minute , save the situation. Wise and agile management wakes up early, when it catches and decodes the resignation triggering signals from the employee before the final letter is submitted to the Mangement and does all that it takes to protect & retain the deserving employee
A quick survey of randomly selected senior professionals in 6 Corporates in Mumbai & Delhi (sample size 102), reflected 7 high prioritised reasons for some of their DDDDs - which were their resignation triggering signals ... being :
a. Disconnection
b. Disengagement
c. Demotivation &
d. Discommittment.
Firstly when Sr. Leaders experience a blank wall of - Closed Mind and Blocked Communications syndrome when they interact with the Board or the Top Management team, it automatically though slowly triggers Low DDDD behaviours.
The survey indicated following top 7 critical reasons for DDDD.
1. Absence of Dependable ongoing formal communications.
2. Toxic boss experiences at personal levels vitiating the climate.
3. Uncomfortable and Politically charged work-place triggering silo wars
4. Inconvenient Work:Life Space. No choice to Work From Home
5. No Career Growth Opportunities
6. Organisation Behaviours not matching the Expressed Corporate Social Values thus impacting approved Organisation Citizenship Behaviours.
7. Impaired Economic aspirations with no hope for change.
Top Management rather be sensitive and listen in. The Great Resignation is for real. Control it before the tower collapses. Once the fall commences nothing will be able to ( least such insensitive and inactive Management) put Humpty-Dumpty back on the wall again !!!