Grandiosity is the defining characteristic of narcissism. More than just arrogance or vanity, grandiosity is the corporate tragedy that needs to be detected early and managed well.
The Narcissists believe they are unique or 'special' and can only be understood by other special people. Thus such a leader 'noisily' ends up becoming the pen-ultimate step before organizational destruction.
A thin line demarcates - self love, grandoise and narcissism, the triads of Corporate destruction. A little bit of self love is acceptable. Infact, necessary. However, beyond a tolerable point, 'Attention Seeking Behaviours' which out-flow from self-love, needs to be controlled. If not, it shows a tendency to enter the domain of Grandiose. Excessive self-love may be smirked and laughed upon by others (near the coffee machine or buffet corners in a conference). Certainly not an acceptable behaviour but can be overlooked by tolerance. Jobs not easy to come by !! A team member with Grandoise will however be rejected, out rightly. Not so a leader. For a team leader reflecting such behaviour, outright rejection is not possible. But when this line of Grandiose over-time, steps into domain of Narcissism, it is outrightly rejected. By itself, the march from Grandoise to Narcissism is natural and unstoppable.
People leadership of the organisation needs to be on a watch and mindful of such behaviours before it starts causing irreparable damage to the organisation, it's culture and it's (T-eamR factors - Talent engagement, acquisition, motivation and Retention processes).
Misdirected parental love, misunderstood application of motivational principles by untrained supervisors and feeding fast-food praises that fosters demonic behaviours by bosses, supported by false recognition from insecure sycophants is the staple diet on which such destructive leadership is nurtured. God save the kingdom of the leader who believes he is the unduplicated legend of existence.
Have you in some measures experience this in your Corporate exposure, I wonder ? Hope that you are not the one reflecting suchbdestructive behaviours in your team - for no Narcissist ever confessed being one !!!