The most beautiful paintings unaligned on the common wall can only look bedraggled and messy. The unaligned display of these frames set on a common wall only scales-down the beauty and fails to deliver the potential Value such frames could otherwise deliver.
As important is alignment in art galleries or on walls at homes so critical are these 5 alignments in organisational reality :
1. Organizational structure and hierarchy aligned to the work-flow & decision making process in the system
2. Financial results aligned with brand & share-holder value creation committment
3. Leader’s sense of his or her job aligned with organisational capabilities & economic opportunities
4. Time management aligned with discipline & performance milestones, and
5. Corporate Culture, Vision & Governance aligned with committments of the Board.
A successful Leader is therefore a classical alignment artist responsible for the harmony and ongoing balance of each of these 5 critical frames of the organisation's reality.
Economic and Environmental factors are dynamic. They keep changing and challenging the organisation's success and balance. Sharp leadership thence keeps an eye on the imbalances caused due to the impact of these changes and diverts full enterprise energy on creating a 'Realignment'.
Success is an outcome of Alignment and Realignment !